Add a video. Add lyrics on Musixmatch. Do you know any background info about this track? Start the wiki. Hamza Namira. Don't want to see ads? Upgrade Now. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Go directly to shout page. View full artist profile. View all similar artists. Ya zareef attoul - unknown singer By gbasfora in forum Lyrics request.
Replies: 3 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 2 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 1 Last Post: , PM. New Threads. Two French Pop songs? All times are GMT The time now is PM. The tradition of debka dance has several variations among Mediterranean regions and the Tigris River, but ever since debka has taken on a new meaning for Palestinians. Palestinian debka has become a very important tool at instilling in the Palestinian a sense of identity and steadfastness in the younger generation. For example, the lyrics for Al Zareefa at-Tloo originally told the story of a two lovers who are expressing the pain of separation.
After , the lyrics came to express the pain and homesickness of Palestinians in the Diaspora who were separated from their homeland and loved one. Some of the lyrics to the song are included in the next paragraph. Oh Zareef al-Tool stop so I can tell you.