Wizardry 6 manual

Joined: May 24, Messages: Sep 28, Stats Ignoring. Your first party was powerful enough to beat the game like almost every somewhat balanced party. Just gain some levels and seemingly impossible enemies won't even hurt you any more. Class switching isn't necessary to finish the game, I even think the game was balanced for playing without class switching. Just keep on running or turning around in areas with easy random encounters if you need to level up.

Most important is I'd take exactly 16 vitality for the bonus to spell regeneration rate. The remaining points should be put into strength for carrying capacity, int and pie can be ignored, even for casters, vit is the casting stat.

It's worth spending time rolling for 18 bonus points, you won't be able to change spell regeneration rate or carrying capacity later.

Put all skill points you get into the academic casting skill. Fighters and thieves aren't worth it, valkyries can cast spells and fight as good as fighters and bards can handle the thieving skills. A bard helps a lot, the sleep spell from the lute is extremely powerful in the beginning and stays useful until the end, bards can also pick locks and cast mage spells. I'd take a felpurr, raise vit to 16 and put the rest into str. Put all the skillpoints into the academic casting skills, skullduggery can improve when you try to pick locks or disarm traps, whether you're successful can be enforced with powerword:reload, don't save after a failed attempt, retry until the lock is opened or jammed.

You can also start as mage with almost the stats needed for switching to samurai, , it's also possible to switch the mage to bard and the bard to samurai. For using almost all weapons and armor and get priest spells you'll want valkyries, dwarves have the best stats for this, with a roll of 18 you can have 16 vit and 15 str.

On the long run it's better if you start in another class instead. With a roll of 18 you can create a female dwarf priest with stats so you get better spellcasting and carrying capacity. You can also create a female dwarf fighter with stats so you get better carrying capacity and more skillpoints. Before switching class you can put all skillpoints into scouting.

Both builds only require stats to raise by one at level up, optimal level for switching to valkyrie is Since psionics suck you might want to create a monk for combat and casting psionic spells, take a fairy for spell regeneration and AC bonus. If you want a bishop start as faerie mage or priest so you get better spell regeneration. I beat the game with the following party not optimal but I didn't want to switch classes, rolled for 18 f dwarf valkyrie m felpurr samurai f felpurr bard m dracon ninja m faerie monk f faerie bishop I ONCE did a party that all took levels of ninja for the god like hide ability, but due to the random stat on level up it was fucking hair ripping.

I could have used a hex editor or savegame editor, but those are for fags. Joined: Sep 10, Messages: There's a little mod which greatly increases the chance of rolling decent numbers.

Use that or roll 2 hours to get good enough stats to make one of the cooler classes. Your mana pool is bigger if you start out as a spellcaster class -- I think you also get increased mana regen. So I'd recommend an all spellcaster party at level 1 and then at some point even just at level 2 though a lot of folks would say level 7 is the ideal switch some or even all to melee classes. Make logical choices: alchemist becomes a ninja, priest becomes a valkyrie or lord, mage becomes a samurai, etc.

Bards are cool and I don't bother multiclassing them. Is it hard as hell at the start? Yes, but every old school RPG does that. I can't think of an RPG pre or so that didn't start you out with 4 hit points and make you fight 4 rats that could kill you in a single hit. Once you hit level 2 or 3 things get much easier. Thank you sir. I played for a couple of hours last night. The game's really fucking addictive. I started with valk, samurai, fighter, thief, bard and priest.

I quickly realized the thief couldn't attack from spot 4 so had to change the order so that valk with the reach weapon would take his place. Bard song is overpowered. You can put a stack of 6 to sleep in one turn and then just use thrusts on the second to penetrate their armor.

By the way I found a harmonium and when my bard plays it, it causes monsters to become irritated. What the fuck is that? I also gave scouting to the the lizardman fighter - don't know if it's a worthy skill and I haven't noticed any secret doors yet. I gained 4 levels with all of them, which I thought was pretty awesome. It made me curious, however, if any of the academia skills not related to spellcasting were any good, as in good enough to spend bonus points on mythology?

I've been increasing my priest's oratory and theology skills, is that the way to go until they both hit ? So at equal levels of skullduggery, thief doesn't have an advantage over bard as far as lockpicking goes?

In that case I'll probably drop the thief and take mage instead. After reading the manual I decided to try a few basic phrases with him, like "who are you? I didn't know, so I'll probably have to come back later, but I was impressed with how that whole encounter went down. Maybe I was caught by surprise but I don't think dialogue systems get more interactive than this.

I will not necessarily include all treasure chests that can be found within a particular map area, but those of importance will be included. Some of them you will never be able to open.

In most cases there will be another way beyond the gates or doors than opening them. If you find another way beyond the gate or door, forget about getting it open. If you haven't, keep trying. Something will turn up later in the game. If you didn't like what you found in a chest, or were unable to use any of it given your characters' professions, restore and try again.

Some of them will disappear from your inventory when they have been used in the correct place. Others will stay with you for the whole of the game.

The game will not let you drop an important item. This can cause problems later in the game when encumbrance capacity or number of items carried is reaching max. As much as is possible, try to keep the inventory load and number distributed between all your characters. Pay attention that no one character is carrying too much. This will slow them down and make them easier targets. Save before trying to OPEN anything! Save when all your characters have survived a battle.

Though it is possible to resurrect characters, decide now that you will never ever take that option, restore your game instead! This decision will prove useful in the beginning of the game for reasons that will be clarified below. For the sake of reference, we'll call this level 1. A rough ascii map of this area is below.

The Fountain on this level restores stamina which can prove useful. Gather up the goodies from the two chest at locations 15i and 15m and head for the stairs down at 25r. You will come back later to explore all the rooms on this level, gathering the experience that will come from opening the locked doors and fighting the monsters.

The other item of importance on this level at 4j. To get to it, you must press the button at 6m. In this room 03 d you will encounter QueeQueg. Save 16 2 F your game anytime you have bought 17 d d QQ 8 something that you really wanted. All the doors are locked so you will be giving your thief, ninja or bard some experience with their skulduggery skill. This can be very frustrating as the authors made the the doors more difficult to open than is appropriate at this early stage in the game.

Keep trying, saving and restoring as needed. In some encounters you will get iron or copper keys. These are meant to open the doors on Level 1 or the Basement. Try them if you wish, but picking the locks will gain you skulduggery experience which will continue to be valuable through out the whole game. Unlike level 1, the rooms of the basement are much more interesting, containing treasures, clues and puzzles.

To make things a little easier to explain, I have numbered the rooms. I will only discuss those rooms in which there is something of interest. You will not be able to enter this room until you have learned the password. Queequeg can tell you the password but will only do so after you tell him where the captain's treasure is buried.

You'll be able to find that out later in the game. Unfortunately it is in code, so you cannot translate it at this time. ROOM 7: There is a lot of graffiti written on the walls here. Two of the messages are of importance. See Room 10 below.

ROOM In the southeast corner of this room you will find some rotten cheese. Using this cheese at the mouse hole you located in room 7 will cause crazed rats to break down the wall and attack you.

This is a tough battle. Save your game and try it. If you seem to die to easily, change your tactics and try again. If you're still dying, put this off until a little later. When you are able to successfully defeat the rats, you will be able to follow the hallway they opened up to you. At the end of the hall is another door, another encounter and eventually a chest. There is something in each of the towers, but the one of most importance is the SouthEast tower.

As you were climbing these stairs for the first time, you noticed a figure ahead of you, always just out of range. When you reach the top and locate his door, he will tell you to go away. This key will open a gate inside the Pirate's Den, room 3 in the basement.

You can sell and buy things from L'Monte. Trying will gain you skulduggery skill and is worth the effort. These stairs will lead you up to a door.

This room is guarded by a undead monster. When you defeat him, you will find a chest. You will learn more and more about her as the game progresses. In the closet to the Southeast you will find a button on the wall which opens up into Rebecca's room 4. In the closet to the Northwest of this room, you will find a button that will open up a hall leading to two gates.

See Castle Temple Below for more. In the center of the room is an altar. There is a treasure to be found in the northwest closet. Having completed as much of this level as is possible at this time return to the Basement and head for the stairs at 6f leading down. You will see three 07 pits in the floor. If you care to 08 try a very difficult encounter 09 jump into one of the pits.

Save 10 your game before you do though! ROOM 1: a b c d e f g h i In the center of the room is a pressure plate. Step 01 on it. This will fill in the pit on the west Go to 3 and push the button on 05 p.

Go to 4 and push the button on the 06 west wall. You now will be able to approach the 07 2 middle north wall. Push the button there to find 08 ddd the treasure chest. Now its time to visit the Temple off of the King's Bedroom. Return to Level 2 and to the King's Bedroom.

Note the description of this room under Level 2, room 8. Save your game at this point as there are some tough times ahead.

Go to the altar in the middle of the room. The altar will drawback revealing a pit. Jump into the pit. You will be confronted with a large and nasty serpent. Defeat him and the gate to the north will open. The gate to the south and to the rest of the castle is locked so you have nowhere to go but north. Go down the stairs to the north. I'm going to make things a little easier on you by telling you the fastest way to exit this area and return to the main castle.

Work your way to the room with the number 1. Return the way you came and continue down the hall to the west and then south. Open the gates at 20r and 21s. Now that you know how to get out, it's time to explore the rest of this area.

Use the pick on the rubble at 6u and 14t. The first will reveal a chest the second will open up further areas for exploration. He will ask you where the captain's treasure has been buried. You will have to defeat Captain Matey either in combat or by out drinking him.

Inside the cage you will find a number of treasures including a HOOK and a Green Parrot which will increase the personality stat if used. Climb up to the top. Here you will find a well and the bell rope. Choose to use the rope to swing across to the far side.

Both sides look exactly alike and the only way to tell if you have made it across is if you find the door locked. Inside you will find a chest which contains ROPE.

Return the way you came and return to the Hazardous Area. It works in both directions so you needn't worry about getting stuck on the far side. If you find that this encounter is just too difficult at this time, spend some additional time improving your characters in the castle area and try this again a little later. If you want to check out the Wizard's Cave at this time, you will learn that there isn't much that you can explore at this time due to dead ends and a gate.

I suggest that you print out the maps for the mines, levels , and color code the stairs to make things a little easier for yourself. The other treasures on this level contain interesting items, but nothing of great significance. Do this with the other 2 rubber strands. You last blow on the gem should come from the location 16t. The gem should break, if it doesn't, try all four sides again and again hit the last blow from location 16t.

Breaking the gem, you will meet the spirit of Xorphitus. Return to Level 1 of the Mines. In the 3x3 room north of the gate at 8p you will find Xorphitus' apprentice. This will be discussed after we have completed the Mountain Area. The other two gates opened by the Wizard's Key lead you to the Wizard's Cave. The Troll will ask if you will pay to pass.

He will take a LOT of money if you decide to pay. He is difficult to fight but worth a lot of experience points. I recommend fighting him. If you find, after a couple of attempts, that you are unable to defeat him, consider returning to the mines for a while to build up your characters.

You will be able to climb up the mountain at this area. SAVE your game before climbing as you can fall and take a lot of damage. A party with the best chances of success takes careful planning and repetitive creation. In my opinion, a party consisting of three hybrid-fighters Lord, Valkyrie, Samurai, Monk, Ranger or Ninja , a bard, a priest and a mage has the best chance for survival. Other spellcasters, like Psionics and Alchemists, are useful, but not versatile enough to be used alone.

Which species is selected isn't as crucial. Although some races are more attuned to certain tasks than others, that doesn't mean you can't create a small army of Fairies.

Just expect to have very little health to survive your experience. What you name each member is up to you. The name can easily be changed, and it will likely take several attempts to create the characters you want, so keep them short a single character will do and rename them later.

Depending on the race you choose, you will be awarded bonus points depending on the profession you choose. In the end, the race doesn't matter as much as the profession you choose, but each race will require more or fewer bonus points depending on what they excel at. If you would rather play the numbers game instead of enjoying the challenges of exploring, please explore page 14 of the manual for a table that provides the the bonus points per race when each profession is chosen.

Next, you will choose the SEX of the character. Once again, it doesn't matter too much what sex you pick. While females tend to require more bonus points for warrior-type professions, they also get access to one of the best fighters, the Valkyrie.

It doesn't mean you can't create a Female Lizardman Bishop, but it will take some lucky rolls in the next step to do so. This roll is completely random and is often the reason many gamers give up on creating a party from scratch. I've spent hours trying to roll a perfect 24 for each character.

Do yourself a favour and accept a good roll and don't strive for the perfect roll. If your roll is too low, you won't even see the profession you are trying to achieve. If you don't see the profession you want, pick a Fighter, quickly dump your points into whatever you want, then choose to discard your character and start the process again.

You will need to do this several times, which is why I recommend you to stick with a short name at first. Try to be patient, and you will eventually build the party you are looking for. For fighter-type characters, I recommend you to deposit as much as you can into the STR stat. Strength controls the damage you do, and your base STR is also used to calculate your carrying ability.

Please note, that getting more STR later doesn't mean you can carry more later; only your starting strength affects how much you can carry. Once done, you will roll for KAR.


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