Du findest sie normalerweise unter "Systemeinstellungen" oder "Bildeinstellungen". Methode 1. Klicke auf den Reiter Fehlerbehebung. Klicke auf den Button. Einstellungen anpassen. Verschiebe sie ganz nach links, wenn du die Hardware-Beschleunigung komplett abschalten willst. OK und verlasse das Feld Eigenschaften anzeigen. Methode 2. Klicke auf den Reiter "Fehlerbehebung" im Fenster mit den Bildschirmeigenschaften.
Gehe im Sicherheitsfenster auf den Button. Klicke auf. OK und starte dann deinen Computer neu. Verwandte wikiHows. Kategorien: Computer. Italiano: Disabilitare l'Accelerazione Hardware. Nederlands: Hardwareversnelling uitzetten. Diese Seite wurde bisher Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article methods. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Method 1. Right-click the Windows desktop and select Display settings.
This opens your display controls. You'll typically only find the option to enable or disable hardware acceleration on PCs with high-end GPUs. If you can't adjust your hardware acceleration settings for the entire system, you can often disable the feature in certain apps, including Chrome, AutoCAD, Discord, and various games.
Depending on your GPU, you may be able to find the setting to disable hardware acceleration if you click that menu item.
It's toward the bottom of the right panel. This opens properties for your monitor and GPU. It'll be under the "Display information" header.
A new window will expand. Click the Troubleshoot tab. If your video card supports hardware acceleration, you'll usually see this tab at the top of the window. If you don't have a Troubleshoot tab, click the Properties button at the top of the window, and then click the Resources tab. Click the Change settings button.
Move the "Hardware acceleration" switch to the left and click OK. This disables hardware acceleration on your PC. Method 2. Click the System icon. It's the first icon in the Settings panel. Click Sound. It's in the left panel. Click Device properties in the right panel. It's under the name of your sound device at the top of the panel. Click Additional device properties. You'll see this toward the bottom below "Related settings. Click the Advanced tab. It's at the top of the window.
Remove the check mark from "Allow hardware acceleration of audio with this device. Click OK. This disables hardware acceleration for audio immediately. Method 3. Click Display. You'll see it at the top of the left panel. Click Graphics settings. Spike Baron. It depends on the tasks you need to perform. Keep in mind that some programs actually need hardware acceleration. Things like playing a DVD movie might need hardware acceleration to function correctly.
The more in-demand the hardware is, the more you want to increase the acceleration. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. Xavier Camden. What do you mean? I personally prefer Windows 10 over any operating system ever, if that's what you mean.
But this article likely wouldn't help for Windows 10 since it is new. This is mostly for older computers. Not Helpful 35 Helpful Look up your problem online, and be as specific as you can.
Check official websites for whatever isn't working i. Also check forums where the community discusses questions.