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Hermann Tike correct B. Jimmy Choo C. Aldo Rossi D. Naveen Pathak. Airtel Indian Grand Prix correct. Mahavira International Circuit. Paolo Soleri. Jaiprakash Associates correct B. GMR D. Dublin correct B. Cape Town C. Johannesburg D. Body Guard C. Ready D. Dalai Lama correct B. Desmond Tutu C.

Wangari Mathai D. Howard Zinn. Mark Ronson correct B. Shakira C. Elton John D. Joshua Radin. Bihar correct B. Gujarat D. Hero Motocorp correct B. United Breweries C.

JK Tyres. Vijay Mallya correct B. Mukesh Ambani C. Naveen Jindal D. Aziz Premji. Mercedez Benz correct B. BMW C. Hyundai D. Jenson Button correct B.

Sebastian Vettel C. Lewis Hamilton D. Ralf Schumacher. Revolution correct B. A River of Smoke C. Life in a City. India B. South Korea C. China correct D. Yulia Tymoshenko correct B. Angela Merkel C. Yingluck Shinawatra D. Dilma Rousseff. Angela Merkel B. Yulia Tymoshenko C. Yingluck Shinawatra correct D. Sharad Pawar B.

Lalit Modi C. Chirayu Amin D. Srinivasan correct. Rajiv Shukla correct B. Chirayu Amin C. Sharad Pawar D. Lalit Modi. Rahul Dravid B. Anil Kumble C. Sachin Tendulkar correct D. Virender Sehwag. Steve Jobs B. Wangari Maathai correct C. Nelson Mandela D. Mawi Kabaki. Howard Schultz B. Oswald J. Gruebel correct C. Jeffrey Immelt D. Nitin Nohria. Maharashtra B. GOA correct C. Kerala D. Andhra Pradesh. Arun Jaitley B. Abhishek Manu Singhvi correct C. Kapil Sibal D. Ram Jethmalani.

Supreme Court of India B. Sanjeev Goyenka B. KC Chakravorti C. Purshottam Kaushik D. Srivardhan Goyenka correct. Kenya B. Sudan correct C. North Korea D. South Korea. Thailand B. Myanmar C.

Sri Lanka correct D. Fali S Nariman B. Abhishek Manu Singhvi C. Rohinton Nariman correct D. APJ Kalam correct B. LK Advani C. PC Alexander D. Hamid Ansari. Saina Nehwal B. Pankaj Advani C. Sania Mirza D. Gagan Narang correct. Rajiv Gandhi B. Manmohan Singh C. Sonia Gandhi D. Indira Gandhi correct. Ramon Magsaysay Award correct B.

Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award C. Indira Gandhi International Award D. Right Livelihood Award. Quazicrystals correct B. Rome B. London C. Tokyo D. Cannes correct. Aakash correct B. Ambar C. Surya D. NATO correct B. NASA C. Federal Reserve D. European Union. David Petraes correct B. James Clapper C. John Brennen D. Leon Panneta. West Bengal correct B. Himachal Pradesh C. Faltos Arapi B. Tomas Transtromer correct C.

Mateja Matevski D. Mario Vargas. Goa correct B. Andhra Pradesh C. Karnataka D. Walter Isaacson correct B. Katherine Lanpher C. Kurt Anderson D. Roger Rosenblatt. Consider the following statements: i Iran is second only to Saudi Arabia as an oil supplier to India. Choose the right option: A. Both i and ii are correct correct B. Only i is correct C. Only ii is correct D. Neither i nor ii is correct. China C. USA correct D. Two B. Five C. Six D. Three correct.

Consider the following statements: i The project aims at providing financial support to over one lakh vulnerable women in New Delhi. The bill is a modified version of Goa Lakayukta Bill ? Goa B. Assam correct C. Name the writer. Narayanan B. Gopalkrishna Gandhi correct C. Akhlaqur Rahman Kidwai D. Saiyid Nurul Hasan. Shaurya is a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface medium range missile.

Land version of the underwater-launched missile K, it is 10 metre in length and about half-a-metre in width. It uses solid fuel that gives it a longer service-life and shorter launch time compared to the missiles which use liquid fuel. The high maneuverability of the missile makes it less vulnerable to available anti-missile defence systems. The last test of Shaurya was conducted in 10 November Only 1. Which of the following facts about the missile are not true?

The surface-to-surface missile has a range of km and can carry a warhead weighing up to kg. It is capable of hitting targets at ranges of kms. Only 3 C. Only 4 correct D.

Only 2. What is the total number of districts in the state now? Neutrinos correct B. Endothelial C. Polyglactin D. Iron correct B. Silicon C. Oxygen D. What is the name of this space laboratory? Tiangong-1 correct C. ZY-2 D. CH Pathogenic B. Chytridiomycosis correct C. Sporothrix Schenckii D. Three B. Two C. Four correct D. United Kingdom correct B. USA C. China D. Which African country did she belong to?

Ghana B. Kenya correct. What was the theme for WTD ? Tourism - Linking Cultures correct B. Tourism opens doors for women D. Sport and tourism. Kanpur B. Ludhiana correct C. Chennai D. Sikkim B. Assam C. England B. West Indies C. South Africa correct D. Its a medium range ballistic missile Only 1 B.

Only 2 C. Neither 1 nor 2. Tamil Nadu B. Odisha correct C. Andhra Pradesh D. What is Australias current rank among World Uranium Suppliers? First B. Second C. Fourth D. Third correct. CIS Union B. Central Asian Union C. Eurasian Union correct. Bangalore B. Hyderabad correct C. New Delhi. Pakistan B. India correct C. Canada D. Gagandeep Singh Kheerawali correct B. Mangat Singh Mangi C. Rakesh Kumar D. Manjeet Chillar. Haryana B. Rajasthan correct C.

Madhya Pradesh. Italy correct B. France C. Spain D. Nepal B. Afghanistan correct C. Pakistan D. Male B. Tarawa C. Dhaka correct D. Canada B. England C. Australia correct D. New Zealand. In How many tests, he achieved this milestone? Question: Why does a corked bottle filled with water burst if left out on a frosty night?

Answer: Because of low temperature the water inside the bottle freezes. On freezing it expands, thereby its volume increases and pressure is exerted on the walls. Question: Why is a small gap left at the joint between two rails?

Answer: To permit expansion of rails due to heat generated by friction of a moving train. Question: Why cannot a copper wire be used to make elements in electric heater? Answer: Copper melts at For heater elements a metal should have more resistance to produce heat. Question: Why are water or mercury droplets always round when dropped on a clean glass?

Answer: The surface of a liquid is the seat of a special force as a result of which molecules on the surface are bound together to form something like a stretched membrane. They tend to compress the. Question: Why does a balloon filled with hydrogen rise in the air? Answer: Weight of hydrogen is less than the weight of air displaced by it. In balloons hydrogen is normally filled because it is lighter than air. Question: Why do we lean forward while climbing a hill?

Answer: In order to keeps the vertical line passing through our centre of gravity always between our feet, which is essential to attain equilibrium or stability. Question: Why does smoke curl up in the air? Answer: Smoke contains hot gases which being lighter in weight, follows a curved path because of the eddy currents that are set up in the air. Question: Why does an electric bulb explode when it is broken? Answer: The bulb encompasses partial vacuum and as it breaks, air rushes in causing a small explosion.

Question: Why does a man fall forward when he jumps out of a running train or bus? Answer: He is in motion while in the train or bus. When he jumps out, his feet comes to rest while touching the ground but his upper portion which is still in motion propels him forward.

Question: Why does an ordinary glass tumbler crack when very hot tea or milk is poured in it? Answer: When a hot liquid is poured into a tumbler, the inner layer of the tumbler gets heated, it expands before the outer layer and an unequal expansion of both layers causes the tumbler to crack.

Question: Why is a compass used as an indicator of direction? Answer: The magnetic needles of a compass under the influence f the earth? Hence, we can identify direction. Question: Why is water from a hand pump warm in winter and cold in summer? Answer: In winter, the outside temperature is lower than that of water flowing out of the pump, and therefore, the water is warm.

Whereas in summer, the outside temperature is higher than the water of the pump, and therefore, it feels cold. Question: Why is a rainbow seen after a shower? Answer: After a shower, the clouds containing water droplets act like a prism through which the white light is dispersed producing a spectrum.

Question: Why does a swimming pool appear less deep than is actually is? Answer: The rays of light coming from the bottom of the pool pass from a denser medium water to a rarer medium air and are refracted bend away from the normal. When the rays return to the surface, they form an image of the bottom of the pool at a point, which is little above the real position. Question: Why is one?

Answer: In winter, water vapor contained in the breath condenses into small droplets, which become visible but in summer they are quickly evaporated and not seen. Question: Why doesn? Answer: Firstly, because is made of tungsten which has a very high melting point C whereas the temperature of the filament required to glow is only oC. Secondly, oxygen is absent since the bulb is filled with an inert gas which does not help in burning. Question: Why does blotting paper absorb ink?

Answer: Blotting paper has fine pores, which act like capillaries. When a portion of blotting paper is brought in contact with ink, ink enters the pores due to surface tension capillary action f liquids and is absorbed. Question: Why does a small iron sink in water but a large ship float? Answer: The weight of water displaced by an iron ball is less than its own weight, whereas water displaced by the immersed portion of a ship is equal to its weight Archimedes?

Question: Why does ice float on water? Answer: The weight of the ice block is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed portion of the ice. Question: Why does moisture gather outside a tumbler containing cold water? Answer: The water vapour in the air condenses on cooling and appears as droplets of water. Question: Why does kerosene float on water? Answer: Because the density of kerosene is less than that of water.

For the same reason cream rises in milk and floats at the top. Question: Why is the water in an open pond cool even on a hot summer day? Answer: As the water evaporates from the open surface of a pond, heat is taken away in the process, leaving the surface cool. Question: Why is it less difficult to cook rice or potatoes at higher altitudes?

Answer: Atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes is low and boils water below C. The boiling point of water is directly proportional to the pressure on its surface. Question: Why is it difficult to breathe at higher altitudes? Answer: Because of low air pressure at higher altitudes the quantity of air is less, and so that of oxygen. Question: Why are winter nights and summer nights warmer during cloudy weather than when the sky is clear? Answer: Clouds being bad conductors of heat do not permit radiation of heat from land to escape into the sky.

As this heat remains in the atmosphere, the cloudy nights are warmer. Question: Why is a metal tyre heated before it is fixed on wooden wheels?

Answer: On heating, the metal tyre expands by which its circumference also increases. This makes fixing the wheel easier and therefore cooling down shrinks it; thus fixing the tyre tightly. Question: Why is it easier to swim in the sea than in a river? Answer: The density of sea water is higher; hence the up thrust is more than that of river water.

Question: Who will possibly learn swimming faster-a fat person or a thin person? Answer: The fat person displaces more water which will help him float much more freely compared to a thin person. Question: Why is a flash of lightening seen before thunder?

Answer: Because light travels faster than sound, it reaches the earth before the sound of thunder. Question: Why cannot a petrol fire be extinguished by water?

Answer: Water, which is heavier than petrol, slips down permitting the petrol to rise to the surface and continue to burn. Besides, the existing temperature is so high that the water poured on the fire evaporates even before it can extinguish the fire. The latter is true if a small quantity of water is poured. Question: Why does water remain cold in an earthen pot?

Answer: There are pores in an earthen pot which allow water to percolate to the outer surface. Here evaporation of water takes place thereby producing a cooling effect. Question: Why do we place a wet cloth on the forehead of a patient suffering from high temperature? Answer: Because of body?

Question: When a needle is placed on a small piece of blotting paper which is place on the surface of clean water, the blotting paper sinks after a few minutes but the needle floats. However, in a soap solution the needle sinks. Answer: The surface tension of clean water being higher than that of a soap solution, it cans support.

By addition of soap, the surface tension of water reduces, thereby resulting in the sinking of the needle. Question: To prevent multiplication of mosquitoes, it is recommended to sprinkle oil in the ponds with stagnant water.

Answer: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. The larvae of mosquitoes keep floating on the surface of water due to surface tension. However, when oil is sprinkled, the surface tension is lowered resulting in drowning and death of the larvae.

Question: Why does oil rise on a cloth tape of an oil lamp? Answer: The pores in the cloth tape suck oil due to the capillary action of oil. Question: Why are ventilators in a room always made near the roof? Answer: The hot air being lighter in weight tends to rise above and escape from the ventilators at the top. This allows the cool air to come in the room to take its place. Question: How does ink get filled in a fountain pen?

Answer: When the rubber tube of a fountain pen immersed in ink is pressed, the air inside the tube comes out and when the pressure is released the ink rushes in to fill the air space in the tube. Question: Why are air coolers less effective during the rainy season? Answer: During the rainy reason, the atmosphere air is saturated with moisture. Therefore, the process of evaporation of water from the moist pads of the cooler slows down thereby not cooling the air blown out from the cooler.

Question: Why does grass gather more dew in nights than metallic objects such as stones? Answer: Grass being a good radiator enables water vapour in the air to condense on it. Moreover, grass gives out water constantly transpiration which appears in the form of dew because the air near grass is saturated with water vapour and slows evaporation.

Dew is formed on objects which are good radiations and bad conductors. Question: If a lighted paper is introduced in a jar of carbon dioxide, its flame extinguishes.

Answer: Because carbon dioxide does not help in burning. For burning, oxygen is required. Question: Why does the mass of an iron increase on rusting?

Answer: Because rust is hydrated ferric oxide which adds to the mass of the iron rod. The process of rusting involves addition of hydrogen and oxygen elements to iron. Question: Why does milk curdle? Answer: Lactose milk sugar content of milk undergoes fermentation and changes into lactic acid which on reacting with milk protein casein form curd.

Question: Why does hard water not lather soap profusely? Answer: Hard water contains sulphates and chlorides of magnesium and calcium which forms an insoluble compound with soap. Therefore, soap does not lather with hard water.

Question: Why is it dangerous to have charcoal fire burning in a closed room? Answer: When charcoal burns it produces carbon monoxide which is suffocating and can cause death. Question: Why is it dangerous to sleep under trees at night? Answer: Plants respire at night and give out carbon dioxide which reduces the oxygen content of air required for breathing. Question: Why does ENOs salt effervesce on addition of water?

Answer: It contains tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate. On adding water, carbon dioxide is produced which when released into water causes effervescence.

Question: Why does milk turn sour? Answer: The microbes react with milk and grow. They turn lactose into lactic acid which is sour in taste. Question: Why is a new quilt warmer than an old one? Answer: In a new quilt the cotton is not compressed and as such it encloses more air which is bad conductor of heat.

Therefore, it does not allow heat to pass. Question: Curved rail tracks or curved roads are banked or raised on one side. Answer: Because a fast moving train or vehicle leans inwards while taking turn and the banked or raised track provides required centripetal force to enable it to move round the curve. Question: How do bats fly in dark? Answer: When bats fly they produce ultrasonic sound waves which are reflected back to them from the obstacles in their way and hence they can fly without difficulty.

Question: Water pipes often burst at hill stations on cold frosty nights. Answer: The temperature may fall below 00C during cold frosty nights which converts the water inside the pipes into ice, resulting in an increase in volume.

This exerts great force on the pipes and as a result, they burst. Question: Why are white clothes more comfortable in summer than dark or black ones? Answer: White clothes are good reflectors and bad absorbers of heat, whereas dark or black clothes are good absorbers of heat. Therefore, white clothes are more comfortable because they do not absorb heat from the sun rays.

Question: Why does a rose appear red grass green in daylight? Answer: Rose absorbs all the constituent colors of white light except red which is reflected to us.

Similarly, grass absorbs all colors except green which is reflected t us. Question: Why does a ship rise as it enters the sea from a river? Answer: The density of sea water is high due to impurities and salts compared to river water as a result; the upthurst produced by the sea water on the ship is more than that of river water.

Question: Why are fuse provided in electric installations? Answer: A safety fuse is made of a wire of metal having a very low melting point. When excess current flows in, the wire gets heated, melts and breaks the circuit. By breaking the circuit it saves electric equipment or installations from damage by excessive flow of current.

Question: Why is it easier to lift a heavy object under water than in air? Answer: Because when a body is immersed in water, it experiences an upward thrust Archimedes? Principle and loses weight equal to the weight of the water displaced by its immersed potion, and hence, is easier to lift objects.

Question: If a highly pumped up bicycle tyre is left in the hot sunlight, it bursts. Answer: The air inside the tube increases in volume when heated up. As sufficient space for the expansion of the air is not available because the tube is already highly pumped, it may result in bursting of the tyre. Question: What will be the color of green in blue light? Answer: Grass will appear dark in color because it absorbs all other colors of the light except its own green color.

The blue light falling on grass will be absorbed by it, and hence, it will appear dark in color. Question: Why do two eyes give better vision than one? Answer: Because two eyes do not form exactly similar images and he fusion of these two dissimilar images in the brain gives three dimensions of the stereoscopic vision. A France U. A Britain Switzerland Britain U. A Germany Britain U. A Britain Switzerland U.

A India U. A Germany. Jean-Baptiste Denys A. Davis U. A Minot and Murphy U. A Doisy Dam U. Eugen Steinach W. Nicolle Edward Jenner Enders Gardon, et al. The instrument used to measure the relative humidity Hygrometer of air is Barometer was invented by The unit of power is Radium was discovered by The existence of isotopes was discovered by Torricelli Watt Marie and Pierrie Curie Frederick Soddy. The study of tissues is called Electric Lamp was invented by The fear of crowd is called The fear of books is called The fear of going to bed is called The symbol of gold is The symbol of sodium is The symbol of Sr stands for The symbol Rb stands for The symbol Md stands for Calcium sulphate is commonly called Sodium carbonate is commonly called Sodium chloride is commonly known as The chemical name of Chloroform is The chemical name of baking powder is The chemical name of bleaching powder is The formula HCL stands for The formula H2SO4 stands for The formula CHCI3 stands for The formula H2O2 stands for A fungus which can only survive on other living organisms is called A plant which lives in the dark is called A plant adapted to live in dry places is called a A plant adapted for growth in water is called a Bifocal lens was invented by Cement was invented by Laser was invented by Electromagnet was invented by Rayon was invented by Thermostat is an instrument used for regulating.

Charles H. The science of organic forms and structures is known Morphology as Phycology is the study of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was established in Algae The system for writing by blind people was invented Louis Braille by J.

Blanchard Henrich Hertz Seismograph Archimedes Lactometer The German physicit who first demonstrated the existence of Radio waves was The instrument that records the intensity of earthquakes is. The instrument used to measure the pressure of gases Monometer is the Astronomer Tarapore Atomic Power Station Mendel The first atomic power station established in India was the. Parker Sir George Caley J.

Lundstrom Sir J. A compound which contains only hydrogen and Carbon is called a The liquid used to preserve specimens of plans and animals is. Bacteriology Dr. Wallace H. Ramasamy, Indian Social Reformer d. Ambedkar, Indian jurist d. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Indian theologian d. Chaudhuri, Indian writer d. Tata, Indian industrialist d. Gopalan, Indian communist leader d. Narayan, Indian novelist d. Bhabha, Indian physicist d.

Subbulakshmi, Indian singer d. Nagi Reddy, Indian revolutionary d. Deshpande, Indian author d. Kulkarni, Indian Marathi writer d. Rafi, Indian actor and playback singer d. Shankar, Indian film director. Bhabha, Indian physicist b.

Ranganathan, Indian mathematician b. Gopalan, Indian communist leader b. Rafi, Indian playback singer b. Kulkarni, Indian Marathi writer b. Chaudhuri, Indian-born writer b. Narayan, Indian novelist b. Subbulakshmi, Indian singer b. Narasimha Rao, Prime Minister of India b. Vijayan, Indian author and cartoonist b. Narayanan, President of India b. Ramakrishnan, Indian politician b. Vijayan, Indian writer, orator, and academic Pratap Chandra Chunder, union minister of India b. Venkataraman, 8th President of India b.

Lohithadas, Indian screenwriter, director, and producer b. The storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20, ships and thousands of people. An estimated , deaths result from the disaster. Their request to be shot by a firing squad is refused. The government places the official death toll at plus another missing; however, it is generally believed that the actual figure is closer to 1, killed.

Narayanan is sworn-in as Indias 10th president and the first Dalit formerly called untouchable to hold this office. The United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on India. New Jharkhand state came into existence in India. Abdul Kalam in a joint sitting of the two houses of the Indian Parliament.

When did the first train run in India? The customary answer to this question is pm on April 16th, , when a train with 14 railway carriages and guests left Bombays Bori Bunder for Thane, with a gun salute. It was hauled by three locomotives: Sindh, Sultan, and Sahib. The journey took an hour and fifteen minutes. That, however, was just the first commercial passenger service in India. In fact, a steam loco, Thomason, had been used for hauling construction material in Roorkee for the Solani viaduct in it began working there on 22nd December , to be exact.

The Solani viaduct construction was a part of the Ganges Canal project, started in The viaduct had 15 arches and spanned the 4km-wide Solani valley about km north-east of New Delhi. Earth for the approach embankments was transported along light rail lines about 5 to 10 km long from Piran Kaliyar to Roorkee. Standard gauge wagons were used, built from parts brought over from England, and hauled by men and later horses.

In late , the locomotive Thomason named for the engineer on the project was assembled on the spot from parts transported from Calcutta. It did not last very long, and after about 9 months Indias first steam locomotive died a spectacular death with a boiler explosion, reportedly to the delight of the construction workers who had viewed it more as a hindrance than help. Hughes book states that this was a six-wheeled tank engine, probably a WT built by E.

Wilson, and of standard gauge. The opening of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway will be remembered by the natives of India when the battlefields of Plassey, Assaye, Meanee, and Goojerat have become landmarks of history. The Overland Telegraph and Courier, April The second locomotive to arrive in India was Falkland named for a governor of Bombay , used by the contractors of the GIPR for shunting operations on the first line out of Bombay that was being built.

It began work on February 23, Hughes book suggests that this was also built by E. Wilson, and. It later became GIPR loco 9. A third locomotive, Vulcan, is said to have been used by the GIPR for material hauling and shunting duties in as well. On November 18, , a locomotive hauled some coaches on a trial run from Bori Bunder to Thana. This probably counts as the first real train to run in India. What was the Guarantee System? What were Guaranteed Railways?

In the s, when the first proposals for railways in India were being debated in Great Britain, there was intense lobbying in support of these proposals by banks, traders, shipping companies, and others who had a strong interest in seeing railways be formed in India.

These supporters prevailed upon the British Parliament to create the Guarantee System, whereby any company that constructed railways in India was guaranteed a certain rate of interest on its capital investment. This guarantee was honoured by the East India Company which then controlled large parts of India.

The railways that were formed with such agreements governing them were called guaranteed railways. Chronology of railways in India, Part 1 Note: This chronology is intended as a general overview for non-specialists to give them a feel for some of the interesting and complex events that shaped the development of railways in India. Many line openings are mentioned to give an idea of the geographic spread of railway services. Dates in most cases are those for when the completed lines were open to traffic; usually sections of the line may have been opened years earlier, and might even have supported revenue traffic in parts.

It has been a year now. Best brownies I ever made. I was feared and revered the day I brought these in to the office. Not only is the caramel and peanut butter the best addition to a brownie you could ever imagine, but the brownie recipe all by itself is amazing!

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We will not allow any reserved seating on Sunday. I subcontract from Medicaid. I have a client that has had aids for 26 years. Him nd I are very close. Is there anything we can do.

Hey jesse cut both of his eyes out. Hey predator rip harry reids other eye out. Transit TV generated very little revenue for Metro — maybe the cost of a bus a year. I would rather pay an extra five or ten cents per trip than listen to that annoyance.

Good riddance, even if I did enter a contest occasionally. Ive started takin atroiza 3weeks back an i have a running stomach and m on tb medication? This is incredible as to how spot it is in my life right now. I have always been the swan on mountain lion…. I must utilize my totem! Thank you for asking, we will be announcing the entertainment line-up very soon and will be notified by email for those who subscribe.

On the way to work this morning, a coyote slowly crossed the road in front of our car, looking our way. We thought about coyotes all day and felt the one we saw was definitely speaking to us. Stay open to possibilities …. Left wing tagged adult, assuming it is 17, since tag cannot be clearly read due to the bright sunshine.

Clearly two adult BV entered the shed, one left wing tagged. Great Job!! Love this website, so much information that is actually interesting and educational!! Really glad I found it!! It is difficult to know how to answer your post as the same three drugs are in Atripla and Atroiza.

Sometimes when different formulations are used, people report that it takes a little time for their body to adjust again. You have the choice of continuing to see if their improves or to try to change back or to different meds. When my mother was in labor for 36 hours she and my grandmother looked out the window at the same time and watched a coyote come out of a bush look at the pair of them then transformed into a bald eagle and flew away.

Since then I have spoken to a shaman and he said they witnessed the trickster watching over my birth. We need a child and im scared to infect my him. I am on antiretroviral treatment. Please help. I actually made these and thought I would share my experience for anyone else considering hazarding a try at this sinful treat.

The first layer I left in about minutes. It was still reeeaally liquidy after the called for, so I gave them a few more minutes until it had firmed up a bit. Absolutely my new favorite mellow hip hop. I love this hip hop mash-up album concept. Hi dr, please help as me and my fiance are planning to have a child but the problem my fiance is positive and I am negative.

He said he spoke to one of the nurses in clinic and he was told that he can do unprocteted sex as he is CD4 count is increasing. I am really scared. What if me and the child that we planning gets an infection. Pls help as we really desparate for a child. I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?

I had a dream last night that I arrived at a house to help someone. A lady answered the door and she looked very tired and troubled. She walked me to the back of the home and there was a boy about 12 years old he had horse hooves for his hands and feet. The lady left the boy was communicating with me but not through words he said he was tired of trying to make his mom understand that he is not helpless.

The boy had dark hair. And very troubled. Can anyone tell me what this means. Idiot fans must learn to embrace the reality and move on. Fans love their idols so much but look what your idols have done to you? All of you are not invited. Hangang metal barricades lang kayo.

Gets nyo? In my present and past home I have had coyotes come into my yard in broad daylight. I have no small animals. This morning it was a very young pup who was very timid and gentle. I live in city limits and it was trapped on the inside of my chain link. I still have no idea how it got there. Animal control assured me that they would take it unharmed to a out of city limit area. I feel some sort of connection with this animal, which is why I searched the meaning online.

Any comments or ideas as to why the coyote literally lands in my lap frequently?? Please advise me as my doctor doesnt want to bealive me as even my wife was taking Atripla and she was experiencing the same problem i have until her doctor change her to Atroiza and now she feel good. Please advise me as i am confused now.

I have been using atripla from December is it wise to change to Atroiza and what are the side effects. Such an amazing blend of sounds. Loving all your different outfits recently, they look beyond cool! That top is gorgeous, and so is that cap!

Yes I was on another treatement before but as soon as i realize my body was changing they changed my treatement and I have lost some fat on my knees and my arms but, I did not gain it on my breast or stomach either. I have lost weight since starting treatement in …… is theresome hope for me to gain 5kg in good time? Started tribuss in november I appreciate your help so much keep up the good work.

This is perfect, I love the simple looks and the little details like the zipper on the leg looks amazing! I think you hit the nail on the head. Most of us forget about, or are too lazy to use the older forms of communication. Have you asked him to write a note? My boyfreind is hiv postive and we have nine month now dating so im scared to go and test please help me. This Dingdong Dantes is not an ordinary private individual.

Dingdong is an appointed public official in the Philippines and he should act accordingly based on what he promised and sworn during his oath taking when he accepted his role for National Youth Commission therefore any lavish or extravagant parties or ceremonies are not permitted as public officials must take into consideration the current situation of public masses.

I guess this is one of the legalities he forgot. Keep in mind that when someone becomes public official their priority is their constituents more than anybody else.

Any person is allowed to file a legal case against him so to speak. I keep seeing coyotes either in the middle eb of the road staring at me or running across the road orout infields playing I am just wonderingif that has any meaning and I livein the city so its not like its common and I do not believe in coincedants.

I have just started with my treatment Atroiza on the 28 of may Oh my. These brownies look absolutely lovely and delicious! Have you ever even grown plants, helped a humane society, or done anything else cool besides sit all fucking day? Probably rarely, because your breathing is so vacuous and lifeless you can? You know what? Fuck your sitting. You aren? In my dreams, I have many of a white wolf running parallal to me through the trees.

Comments, please. Things that are good for a healthy life are equally important for both partners. If both partners are HIV positive you will have some of the same shared experiences and can support each other.

Also, you do not need to worry about the risk of HIV transmission if you are both positive. These are things your friend needs to talk about with here doctor and HIV health care team.

Getting an HIV positive test result is difficult and stressful. It takes time and support. Learning you are positive when you are pregnant also involves finding out about treatment, and using this during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of passing HIV to the baby. Sorry, only service and show dogs are allowed on the grounds.

No other personal pets are allowed. Can my baby be protected from HIV? I think we have given enough attention to Yolanda and its aftermath and the side issues of politics in the relief operations.

Nakakasawa na ito. Get me out of here. Hi I would lyk to know whether is odimune works exactly as ARVs? Do I have 2 take it for the rest of my life even though my cd4 count is high? Thanks for your efforts. Kakulay pala, as in dilaw. Wala ring mangyayari sa isyung yan.

Alam naman natin na untouchables ang mga dilaw. I am 26years old boy from nigeria. These look heavenly!

I absolutely love caramel. I am hiv negative and my husband is hiv positive , and now I need a child , and my status I wanna keep it as negative ,what can I do? Sperm wash is its clean -hiv negative sperm?

Tell me more. I think MJ was too sexy to be Miss Universe. What is the possibility that the child can be negative? Definitely one of my favorites. I am having a genital warts due to HIV and my Dr has put me on Tribuss treatment, when i asked him about treatment for genital warts he told that let me not worry, these pills will let the body heal itself and remove the genital warts automatically. For the love of god please leave them off. They are loud and annoying and make it hard to hear announcements and stop notifications.

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