Nintendo ds lite wifi setup without game

She has a 2DS XL so hers is connected already. Other than that, you might have to bite the bullet and get yourself the cheapest 3DS you can find.

But even that's not a guarantee; if it's an NDS game and not a 3DS game, I don't know that the game itself would "know" to look for anything other than WEP and those other old methods.

So yeah, one giant "maybe. Workhorse23 Topic Creator 1 year ago 3. Thanks for your input though I will look into that. MrCokeacola 1 year ago 5. The most easy way to set this up with is to use a desktop computer and a wifi dongle and set up a ad-hoc network with no passwords to play DS games.

A phone can do the same thing if you want to use its data plan. Sorry just need money got tired of being snitched on. Whatever tho I snitched too lol fair game. You won't be able to play any DS games online as the service was shut down sometime before the Switch came out. You guys just need to be in the same room and go to the Pokecenter in the game. I believe the local wireless trading is on the top floor of it.

Just talk to one of the Pokecenter staff members to start the connection. This is what you will look for when connecting wireless computers and devices.

The Password is the secret word or phrase you will enter when first connecting a device to your wireless network. Swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap Internet. In the panel that appears, select a network. A fuller icon means a stronger signal. Jun 20, This is another name for the password on your modem or router. The password lets you access the access point settings. Tip 4: Rumble packs are offered with various FlashCarts or are at least mentioned quite a bit.

They are Slot-2 devices that contain a tiny circuit and motor that reads collision data from some games and adds a feedback effect. I haven't tried one myself but i already find the NDS Lite's form factor small-ish for my hands and certainly dont want it to rumble around on me.

I opted out, myself. This is a Slot-2 device with some extra memory that the browser uses to cache stuff. You can buy it separately from any FlashCart you decide on, as they are largely compatible with eachother, or go for a combo package. Here are the best FlashCarts on the market today. Considered the Ultimate flashcart. Order without the memory expansion more on this in the next step.

This was my choice. Excellent compatibility, reliable and good and frequent firmware. One of the oldest flashcarts around. Excellent compatibility, with a brand new version of the cart just out, this is a very good choice for anyone, new or experienced.

Coupled with the EZ 3-in-1 slot-2 this is a great flashcart. A very good selection for someone not interested in homebrew or browsers. However, I have been using RealHotStuff for a couple of years now, for my hacking and console modding needs, and I consider them the NewEgg of hacking, because they are quick to deliver, have very good prices and well stocked up.

But please have a look around, and let me know if you find a good source and I'll add it here. The links are to homepages for reference. The firmware can be downloaded from the appropriate download pages, or other sources.

Other online stores that have a good reputation is Electrobee : An exclusive NDS Flashcart online store with worldwide delivery and Divineo : Canadian and China based mod chip and gaming electronics store with worldwide shipping.

If you find a cheaper place, then post and I'll update with the latest link to the best deal on the net! However, there are a lot of knockoffs, so you have to be careful, e. Please help me update and maintain this reference page. And I got just the one for you! I had it.

It had errors a-sunder! Sent it back 4 times. Yes 4! Came back with errors again. You can read my rant on all that mess here. Got an EZ 3in1 and now all my troubles are gone. There are some things I can add here however, but I will try to do so swiftly.

Although this sounds fine, and since DSOpera doesnt cache anything it should of been fine. The memory I got was failty though and the browser froze continuously. I replaced it and at CircuitCity and the same thing happened. I replaced it again and again it was a mess. Homebrew applications are those writtten by the DS community and are free for distribution and use.

You can find anything from games, graphical editors, emulators, multimedia applications and even compiliers for programming on the go. A DS with its nifty touchscreen, loaded with some clever homebrew can be an amazingly versatile tool, not to metion the coolest jukebox ever.

There is a very large homebrew community, that is constantly updating its material. You only need to google "DS homebrew" to get a flavor of what we're talking about here. Below, I have some instructable worthy games for you guys. Completely free. Very nice. Warcraft: Tower Defence: A DS adaptation of the popular Warcraft III bonus stage, this strategic rts puts you in charge of defending your camp by placing defencive walls and turrets.

Very nice homebrew. AmplituDS v 4. Also look at this instructable on running homebrew on your DS for another good opinion. To save us all some time, I have added all of these to a ZIP file that can be found at the end of this step : Now you have some games. Let me get something off my chest first. Most homebrew applications out there you will have no use for.

There's a lot of tech demos from people playing with the compiler and there are also some very nice and intricate programs that you just wont use with any given frequency to justify keeping them on your DS.

So I have compliled a list of Homebrew applications that you will most probably use or like to have on your DS here. If you have specific needs or interests please look through some review sites for stuff you like. The sites listed in the previous steps have comprehensive collections of homebrew applications. Again, if you have a favorite then post a comment or send me a message and I'll add it here. DSOrganize 3. This app feels like an operating system in itself. Get it. Moonshell 2. Apparently no longer being developed, but a must have.

DSMaps 0. Works kinda like a guided GPS. No longer under development and searching for people to pick it up. I like this app and use it a fair bit. Found my way around Austin with it once. True story. DSWeather 0. You can look up your city code by going to the weather channel and looking up the weather at your hometown. NDSMail 0. With POP servers and I dont know. I havent used it, cuz I have DSOpera and use gmail.

DSLinux : Because they can! Kinda fun to try to debug. Are you better than those guys that made it in the first place? If you get it working what you gonna do with it? Some report running browsers through DSLinux. I havent tried recently, but its on here for the hardcore. DSFTP 2. And the most useful you will have on yours. Noodle93 LOL has already beat me to this instructable , although I think I'll post my own trouble shooting for this app soon.

Emulators are a big part of homebrew applications, which I will dedicate a seperate step for, since it can get complicated. Emulators are software that allow you to play games and run software on different platforms. For instance the very popular MAME is a program that allows you to run old and some new arcade games on a personal computer.


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