India post money order form pdf

Name : Change Password My Profile. Page Content. It is simple to send and receive money. Praveen Kumar -do- -do- V. Arvind Kumar -do- -do- Hyderabad G. Rajesh Dy. PMG, Hyderabad G. Sanaysi Rao or G. Shakeel Suryapet HO K. Chakravorty arupvsatpur rediffmail. Thakrar do. Sharif Mob, smnrclt gmail. Radhakrishnan Mob smcrkochi gmail. Ajayakumar ajayanr gmail.

Alexander pnalexanderdpm rediffmail. T , sreeharikdx rediffmail. Gardi , yash rediffmail. Gurav gdgurav gmail. Rankhamb srankhamb yahoo. Songirkar Dhule HO D. Sarode Jalgaon HO B. Ghuge Nashik HO Y. Mestri amolmestri rediffmail. Kumbhar swati gmail. Kumbhar krajendra45 gmail. Deshpande deshpande08 gmail. Dixit atuldixit gmail. M Padyar padyar. Gardi yash rediffmail.

If the acknowledgment is not received in a reasonable time, a certificate of payment signed by the Postmaster of the office will be given on application.

However, in the case of money orders issued in favor of Government or District, Local or Municipal Boards, the acknowledgment in some cases is retained by the payee who issued a departmental receipt to the remitter direct.

How your Money Order is sent and paid? Certain special types of Money Order Forms have been prescribed for remitting Government dues and some of them are current only within the limits of the state for which they are issued. These forms can be obtained from the Post Offices concerned. Note Could have been chargeable if the money order had originally been drawn in a post office of that country and the commission at the inland rate already paid will be deducted from the amount of the re-directed order when it is advised to be country of destination.

The remitter of a money order which has not been paid may require that the address of the payee shall be altered or that the name of post office at which the order was originally made payable, shall be changed.

The required change will be made without additional charge on the remitter applying in writing to the Post Office at which the order was issued and producing the receipt and giving full particulars of the payees address as entered in the money order. The remitter of a money order which has not been paid may require that the amount be paid to some person other than the payee named in the order.

Remitter gets acknowledgement signed by the Payee. There is a provision for sending short communication also along with the money order. Introduced on Facility for remitting money from one to one, one to many and many to one is available under this service. The eMOs can be tracked through Indiapost website. Amount from Rs.

It is an instant web based money transfer service. Money Order Commission varies based on the amount of remittance. There are 33 standard messages for selection by the remitter. Payee has to visit the post office, fill up the prescribed form and produce the identity proof to receive the money. Amount received can also be credited to the savings bank account of the payee. This is an international remittance service offered by Indiapost to most foreign destinations.

Outward remittance is payable to beneficiaries by crediting the payment to the bank account of beneficiaries in the destination countries. This facility is available in all computerized post offices.


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