Diamonds in dead island game

Fire will not do any damage. Make sure you upgrade the weapon to at least level 3. It is recommended to mod a powerful weapon so it does more damage against stronger humans.

Keep your distance when throwing, and have plenty of ammunition. This is one reason why Logan is better for this, as thrown objects can come back to him. However, if you have a clear view of the target, throw the weapon, and they should die instantly.

When you encounter large groups of zombies or a lot of them are chasing you, run to the closest vehicle. Jump on top of it, and crouch on the hood. You can hit the zombies, but they should not be able to attack you. Note: Do not do this on the roof of the vehicle, as you will not be able to hit them, and they can still sometimes hit you.

Use the analog style of fighting to get more decapitations and swing your weapon faster. When zombies are chasing you, simply run into the water, then kick them so they drown to get easy XP instead of trying to melee them. Killing zombies will dull your weapon. However, when the weapon is close to breaking, it is not completely useless.

Throwing your weapons can damage zombies without dulling the weapon. If you have a weapon worth keeping, but it is almost used up, keep throwing it at zombies until you can repair it again. In Act 2, enter the mayor's office in City Hall before it gets attacked by zombies. Knock down the painting on the very back wall in the room behind the desk to find three photos of a semi-nude blonde woman.

Search the indicated locations to find the colored Skulls. Once you find a Skull, you must place it over a certain point to unlock the reward. Location: In the room across from where you deposit the Purple Skull, on a glass covered shelf in the corner. Deposit: Go south from your original starting point in the game, near the beach on the resort.

If you arrive and the survivor Jose Garcia does not require rescuing, go back at a later point in the game; he will be yelling from behind a fence. Enter the bunker, and use the portal to teleport to another bunker with graffiti all over the floors. Go up the ladder, and grab a propane tank, and use it to blow open the door to the right of the ladder beside the boxes and crates. Reward: Developer's No.

This is accessible through the warp in the bunker unlocked during the "Black Hawk Down" main quest in Act 1: Chapter 3. Deposit: Top of the hill accessible by wood planks. It is located on the coast near ID Look for the brown arrows as you jump, then walk up the hill. Reward: Developer's recipe. Location: Directly east of the South tunnel Gas Station on the resort and directly south of the bungalows near your starting location is a hill surrounded by what looks like a sand path on the map.

It is on the edge of the coast; you want to approach it from the north-east side, where it meets the coast near the overturned sail boat.

There will be a jumpable path that will lead you to an open box with the Green Skull, as well as a grey chest to the right of it. Deposit: In the Supermarket, to the right of the "Surf Shop" section, is an aisle against the wall with toy bears.

One of the bears on the bottom shelf is the drop off location for the Green Skull. Location: Enter the Supermarket through the sewers you go here during the "Market Journey" main quest in Act 2: Chapter 6. Go straight through the next area and past where you turn off the steam.

Go to the right, and you should reach a dead end with a workbench in a room to your left. Go right, and keep heading right until you reach a set of stairs. So I would recommend keeping them until you have enough to craft them all. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between.

About the author Josh Hawkins Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember.

Share this article:. Simultaneously take a step back and swing your melee weapon at them "aiming at the head" for higher damage output. Walkers and Infected usually take a huge swing at you when they get near you so performing this technique makes them miss while giving you the opportunity to decapitate them. First of all, The Suicider is your friend. He's your personal mobile explosive device and is always ready for action. Suiciders can be found alone or amongst a group of enemies.

When they are found in a group, run towards the Suicider, brushing it as you pass. It will build up and explode giving you time to get a safe distance while killing the enemies directly surrounding it. Simply running past the Suicider doesn't guarantee it will blow up and running head on into it is, well All your character's money and inventory blueprints, items, weapons, etc.

This extends to the items you have left with the "item bank", the NPC Jin. When you are playing Dead Island, you'll eventually find yourself working to complete the "Born to Be Wild" quest.

Inside the hotel, you'll meet with Mike Davies, and then you can move from there to the next room, which contains a workbench. The next room after that contains a computer that you are supposed to reboot.

Check the nearby wall, near the desk, and you'll see a poster advertising Chrome 2, which is an upcoming release from Techland, the development studio responsible for Dead Island. Dead Island Wiki Guide. Click this, then open up the Achievements window by clicking on the Trophy icon. Here you can see the different achievements that you can complete. They range from things like:.

Kill 50 Zombies using a blade weapon. You can complete these achievements in any order that you want, so long as you complete them.

Each one will track progress and will show you how many Diamonds you can expect from them. Make sure you also learn the basics of Dead Island Survivors and be sure to check out our other Dead Island Survivors guides for all your strategy related information and articles.


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