Typically to use patterns well across your processes, you will need to get familiar with the patterns. To help you do this all of our patterns have several examples that are deliberately diverse to show you what is possible within the solution space of the problem but which also show you the common elements that the pattern captures.
The titles of the patterns are also intended to be short and memorable so that you can easily refer to them when communicating your designs to others and also to bring them to mind yourself when you are thinking about accessibility in your game. Patterns do not sit alone. Some patterns work well together.
Some patterns might clash. We have highlighted the connections between patterns and in doing so we have created a Pattern Language for APX that allows people to talk about different and related facets of accessible design. For example above, if we add captioning as Second Channel , then we need to make sure that people can read them clearly, and the Clear Text pattern provides solutions for those design problems.
With time and practice, the patterns will become a way for you to talk about accessible design in games and, as you get fluent, you might start to find that you can add to the language. Design patterns existing in lots of different domains, and come in lots of forms, but ours have six components:.
Each pattern is then illustrated with several examples from existing commercial games to show not only how it is already being used to make accessible games but also to demonstrate the breadth of design problems that are solved with the same pattern. Patterns are flexible enough to address a very broad spectrum of practices, from in-depth technical development to deployment issues in classrooms. In addition, they are rigid enough to oblige the pattern writer to focus on and concisely capture their own best practice.
The design patterns approach was developed as a form of design language within architecture. This was done with the explicit aim of externalizing knowledge to allow accumulation and generalization of solutions and to allow all members of a community or design group to participate in discussion relating to the design. A design pattern "describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice" Alexander et al.
Design patterns have the explicit aim of externalizing knowledge to allow accumulation and generalization of solutions and to allow all members of a community or design group to participate in discussion relating to the design.
Patterns are organized into coherent systems called pattern languages where patterns are related to each other. Although the use of design patterns never achieved a large following among professional architects, the idea has been embraced in several other disciplines, including software engineering Gamma et al.
Our pattern language and its associated interactive tools are presented as resources to be used by researchers and practitioners in several ways. As an analytical asset, design patterns are a means of making visible implicit design decisions. Researchers and designers can reflect on their own work by mapping it to patterns in our language, or by extending the language to account for aspects we do not cover.
Identifying the underlying patterns can help understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing games and the ways in which they are used. Once a pattern has been mapped to a case under observation, the context noted in the pattern can be compared to the details of the actual case, and conflicts can be discussed.
On the other hand, the related patterns should be explored, to identify possible extensions and enhancements. As a design aid, practitioners from various fields who are involved in game design and deployment can consult the patterns in different stages of their process, and chose those which address the particular questions they are confronted with. Some of our patterns address the flow of the process as a whole, some address specific phases - such as 'bootstrapping' design, and some offer concrete structural elements which can by used as building blocks.
It is important to note that patterns are not cookbooks. They do not devolve responsibility from the designer, but only help her understand the scope of the issues to consider and scaffold her attempts to resolve these. However, the most important facet of the pattern language is its potential as a framework for discussing and collaboratively refining design.
In fact, this is precisely why it is called a pattern language, and not collection or set. This language grew through its use in various assemblies of designers, researchers and educators. In this function, our pattern language should be seen as a starting point, an example - from which each community will derive and develop its own language.
The process of creating, or 'distilling' a pattern begins with reflection on expert knowledge represented as a case study of good practice. The pattern authors identify a single element of design which contributed to the success of this case study.
This element is phrased in a manner which detaches it from the single example, but avoids over-abstraction. The pattern is carefully named: names need to be descriptive, concise and attractive. Its details are then moulded into the pattern template. Once the pattern has been described, it is mapped to other case studies and to other patterns in the language. By comparing to similar case studies we can refine the pattern and identify its critical features. This may lead to the need to define new patterns - as special cases of this one or as generalizations of it.
At the same time, we classify new pattern using the hierarchical structure of the language and look for related patterns which are already in our collection. The pattern language was developed iteratively and collaboratively by the project team, in dialogue with a wider community of designers, researchers and teachers.
Due to the distributed nature of the team, the availability of on-line tools played an important role in our ability to conduct this process effectively. These tools were developed in parallel with the language, as our understanding of the process we were engaged in evolved.
Alongside the development of the pattern language, we have developed a set of interactive tools to support it. The primary functions of these tools are to allow us to efficiently manage the pattern language, and at the same time make it easy to use by any interested reader.
These tools provide various methods of browsing, reading, editing and organizing patterns. The pattern browser is the central tool in our system. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.
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