Other supported formats are: XML Ocr. The last two lines represents bar code information extract. You may view the result in a browser. To do so, you need to save the XML into a file e. Alternatively, you may specify properties separately in pairs:. In some cases, you might not want to OCR the whole image.
In that case, you can OCR on part of the image to save time:. A TIFF file may contain multiple pages. If you need to recognize only a certain page, you can specify the page number as following:. Note 1 means the second page the page number of the first page is 0. Scan at resolution DPI or for small fonts.
You can chain many opertions in the command. The list of available operations can be found at Image Pre-processing Related Properties. The OCR engine is optimized to recognize human readable words and there are built-in dictionaries and templates. For example, the image below contains two words: abcdopqr abcd0pqr :. The OCR result with the default settings will be: abcdopqr abchpqr. The OCR engine may have detected abcd0pqr but it discarded it as it is unlikely a word since there is a number between characters.
Suppose we do consider abcd0pqr as a word. In such case, we can provide our own dictionary file:. Note word entries are separated by line breaks.
Save the above content into a file dict. Note this property must be specified when you call startEngine. Template entries are separated by line breaks. Save it to a file templates.
Most of modern computers run on multi-core CPUs. Multi-threading can significantly reduce the runtime by making full use of the processor power. For example, the image below contains two words: abcdopqr abcd0pqr :. The OCR result with the default settings will be: abcdopqr abchpqr. The OCR engine may have detected abcd0pqr but it discarded it as it is unlikely a word since there is a number between characters.
Suppose we do consider abcd0pqr as a word. In such case, we can provide our own dictionary file:. Note word entries are separated by line breaks. Save the above content into a file dict. Note this property must be specified when you call startEngine.
Template entries are separated by line breaks. Save it to a file templates. Most of modern computers run on multi-core CPUs. Multi-threading can significantly reduce the runtime by making full use of the processor power.
It is easy to do multi-threading with Asprise OCR. You can implement thread pool pattern by yourself with the com.
Ocr class. Note that each thread must have its own dedicated OCR engine instance. However, you do not need to start from scratch as Asprise OCR offer com. OcrExecutorService frees you from writing tricky thread management code. First, make sure you are an authorized licensee registered with Asprise. Privacy Terms Refund. To do so, you only need to: Put aocr. For example, the image below contains two words: abcdopqr abcd0pqr : The OCR result with the default settings will be: abcdopqr abchpqr.
In such case, we can provide our own dictionary file: abcdopqr abcd0pqr.