Likewise, in the online arena, the company targeted the young male "usual suspects" WWE, Atomfilms, and Heavy. Perhaps the best indicator of how serious Axe is about reaching gamers is their own online game Mojo Master. Developed by WildTangent in conjunction with Conductor, the game presents an investment and a level of game design that most likely has never been previously attempted in an advergame. But it presents a very surprising level of depth and playability, even compared to games sold at retail.
Mojo Master was designed from the ground-up to appeal not only to the hardcore gamers brought in by ads in gaming publications, but also to a mainstream audience who might be drawn to the site from Axe's TV or cinema spots. It's easy to pick up, and perfect for playing in short bursts," Rubin said. Axe has long-term goals for the game multiplayer is being rolled out in the fall , but they're already pleased with its results. We're especially pleased with the amount of time consumers are spending with the game -- a half hour seems to be the norm," Rubin said.
Mojo Master isn't the only unique marketing initiative Axe has employed. They sent two young men, Evan and Gareth , into the real world for two months to figure out a "playbook of seduction.
Their website features episodes in PSP video format in addition to standard formats, and their successful moves have been incorporated into Mojo Master itself.
The brand has for example been rewarded for its spot « Even angels will fall » Cannes Lion in Axe in addition to its fabulous ads is now established into the « event world ». Each summer, the Axe Boat is looking for young men and women ready to party with seductive hostesses and famous DJs the edition was canceled due to the attentat, respectful. Guests are selected through competitions organized throughout the year, summer.
The goal : promote the Anarchy new range of products the first Axe deodorant for her and for him. Does the Axe seducer convinced you? Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. Partager : Twitter Facebook. Articles similaires. Entrez votre commentaire E-mail obligatoire adresse strictement confidentielle. Nom obligatoire. Site web. Deodorant Through Time.
Small Cans, Big Impact! Connectez-vous maintenant. Chargement des commentaires…. Even though this is one of the most successful products of the 21st century, the numbers in terms of how many women are actually affected by Axe is highly debatable. In that case, how reliable is the Axe effect? In a recent interview a young man was absolutely aghast when he got to know that Axe deodorants were not really increasing the conversion rates of the Indian Barney Stinsons, or should we say Boney Tandons?
Could it be possible that all those girls chasing after the skinny white boys in the commercials were not really being honest about the whole thing? Some people even claim that these gorgeous women were actually paid to do all that running. Who would anyone do something like that, right?
Damn shameful world we live in! Nobody knows what happened of that young man. And more importantly what does work when it comes to women? Some people will just believe anything. The answer to the second part of the question, what does work? But there are rumours, those that go beyond what the deodorant can has to offer.
Apparently there seems to be some truth to the fact that women are into men who are charming, have a job, a dead mother and can make intelligent conversation. The latter with most of us is quite a task, so if you are not a woman-beater, then it evens out. Of course, you can always boost the chances of landing a gorgeous woman by your side if you take a shower and wear clean underwear, but there is no guarantee it will work.
Some men have even gone on to claim that just by being themselves, and knowing how to be a good friend who listens and gives timely advice, they have a lot of girlfriends. What a bunch of phoney liars huh?